Nice to see you, to see you nice

So yesterday during our monthly training session we were asked to put together a presentation on a topic of our choosing, we had very interesting results. My effort to outdo the FBI by unravelling the DB Cooper mystery via a CSI/Criminal minds style presentation to a This Is Your Life style effort complete with pictures of the presenter in a full Donnay shell suit and spice girls t shirt were narrowly pipped at the post by Sam Shaw’s new game show ….. The Salary Is Right

Not only was Sam able to portray a very compelling Bruce Forsyth, he was also able to make our whole office fight it out in a fiercely contested battle of wits resulting in a clear and decisive victory for my own team ……. Sailing high on the wings of my glorious victory I decided to collaborate with Sam, deliver his creation to the wider world and see if anyone is capable of defeating our score of 8/10 correct answers.

The game is very simple, 3 rounds, 10 questions and eternal glory for anyone who scores higher than 8/10 – Note down your answers as you go to check against the correct answers at the bottom

Round 1 – Higher or Lower

1)   Who earns more?

A)   Golf Ball Diver

B)   Pet food taster

2)Who earns more?

A) McDonalds worker

B) Subway Worker

3) Who earns more?

A) Window cleaner on the Gherkin

B) The Queens Piper

4) Who earns more?

A) Chicken Sexer

B) IT Manager

5) Who earns more?

A) Neymar

B) Ezequiel Lavezzi

Round 2 – Balance the scales

  • Guess the salaries and find a way to balance the scales
  • Eg. – A person earning £40k would go one side of the scales and two people earning £20k would go the other side to balance the scales

1)     Pilot, Midwife, Landscape Gardner, Journalist, Architect

Round 3 – Find the mistake

During this round you will be given 3 job titles and the average salary of each, your challenge is to spot the incorrect salary


·        Telesales – £17,000

·        Bus Driver – £22,000

·        Postal Worker – £25,000


·        Psychologist – £46,000

·        Pharmacist – £37,000

·        Quantity Surveyor – £41,000


·        Tax Expert – £47,000

·        Train Driver – £37,000

·        Senior Police Officer – £59,000


·        Receptionist – £13,000

·        Fishmonger – £14,000

·        Baker – 14,000

And that concludes The Salary Is Right, time to collate all your answers and see how you did …… post your score in the comments section below – anyone scoring a perfect 10/10 will qualify for a signed photo of Sam Shaw – the visionary behind The Salary is Right – Disclaimer alert (all salaries are based on national average)

Round 1 – Higher or Lower

A)     Golf Ball Diver – £25,000

B)     Pet food taster – £20,000

A)     McDonalds worker – £12,000

B)     Subway Worker – £13,000

A) Window cleaner on the Gherkin – £50,000

B) The Queens Piper – £48,000

A) Chicken Sexer – £40,000

B) IT Manager – £46,000

A) Neymar – £775,477 per week

B) Ezequiel Lavezzi – £798,000

Round 2 – Balance the scales

§ Guess the salaries and find a way to balance the scales

§ Eg. – A person earning £40k would go one side of the scales and two people earning £20k would go the other side to balance the scales

2)     Pilot, Midwife, Landscape Gardner, Journalist, Architect

Pilot – £90,000, Landscape Gardener – £18,000

Journalist -£35,000, Midwife – £30,000, Architects – £43,000

Round 3 – Find the mistake

During this round you will be given 3 job titles and the average salary of each, your challenge is to spot the mistake


·        Telesales – £17,000

·        Bus Driver – £22,000

·        Postal Worker – £25,000 – False – £21,000


·        Psychologist – £46,000 – False – £36,500

·        Pharmacist – £37,000

·        Quantity Surveyor – £41,000


·        Tax Expert – £47,000

·        Train Driver – £37,000 – False – £47,000

·        Senior Police Officer – £59,000


·        Receptionist – £13,000

·        Fishmonger – £14,000

·        Baker – 14,000 – False – £17,000

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